LOVE, LOVE, LOVE... (second page)

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Love and lust

Doubt cannot come where there is a sense of closeness. Doubt needs a distance to appear. You never doubt something that is dear to you, close to you.
In love even an object gains life. Stones speak to you, trees speak to you, the sun, the moon and the whole creation becomes alive, Divine.
In lust even a living being becomes a mere object. You want to use even people like objects.
Here are some salient attributes of love and lust. They are so different yet so close! If you find more you may add to the list.

Lust bring tension

Lust focuses on the part

Lust brings violence Love brings sacrifice

In lust you want to grab and possess

Lust says all I want you to have is what I want

In lust there is effort

Lust causes feverishness and frustration

Lust imprisons and destroys

Lust demands

Lust gets you mixed up and confused

Lust is only dark and monotonous

Love brings relaxation

Love focuses on the whole

Любовь жертвенна

In love you want to give and surrender

Love says I want you to have what you want

Love is effortless

Love causes longing and pain

Love liberates and sets you free

Love commands

In love you are focused and spaced out!!

Love has many modes and colours

If someone's lust is interrupted they get angry and start hating. Hatred in the world today is not out of love, it is out of lust.
Love is playfulness and in lust there is cunningness and manipulation.
Shiva, the embodiment of innocence and love was meditating. His meditation was disturbed by an arrow of flowers from the lord of lust. As soon as Shiva woke up he opened his third eye and the lord of lust, Manmatha (one who churns the mind) was reduced to ashes.
Everybody celebrated by throwing colors on each other realising that life is full of colours.
We play many roles in our life. If all the roles get mixed up it becomes dark, like when you mix all the colours.
The wise play each role distinctively side by side, like colors displayed side by side form a rainbow.

The Question of an answer

In a congregation, Sri Sri asked: - How many of you are feeling strong? Many people raised their hands.
Sri Sri : - Why?
- Because YOU are with us!!!
Sri Sri : - Only those who feel weak can surrender.
All those who were feeling strong were taken aback!

- If you are in love, you feel weak because love makes you weak. Yet there is no power stronger than love. Love is strength. (All those who had raised their hands for strong suddenly felt weak!). Yet love is the greatest power on earth. You feel absolutely powerful when you are with the Divine.

Someone asked: - But why do we keep alternating between the two?
Sri Sri: - That is the fluctuation in life.

When you are feeling weak, surrender.
When you feel strong, do Seva.

Love with a complaining face

How would you like to see yourself happy and bubbling with enthusiasm or dull and difficult to please?
Often you like to be pleased, appeased and cajoled. So you put up a tough, upset face and act difficult to please. If a person has to appease and please ten people all the time, it will be so tiring. People who keep a long face and expect others to cajole and appease them make others run away. Lovers often do this. They expend a lot of energy in cajoling and this brings down the joy and celebration of the moment.
It is okay for you to show your upset mood or tendency once in a while, but doing it over and over again is taxing for you and people you love.
If you feel down, appease and please yourself. Your need to be appeased by someone else is the sign of grossness. This is the root of ignorance. If you want attention, all you get is tension.
Become one whose enthusiasm never dies, come what may.
It is not possible to attain Divine Love with a complaining face. The complaining face is a sign of an unaware mind. If you want to complain, complain to God or your Guru because both have their ears covered. (Laughter)

Love is the shadow of the Self

When you love something, you have a sense of belongingness with it. You can only love something, because it is belongs to you. If it is not yours, you cannot love it.
Love is the shadow of the Self.
The bigger the Self, the bigger the shadow, and the bigger the love.

When the love is cast over the entire creation, then you are the Big Self. That is the Lordship.
When the Lordship dawns on the Self, there is perennial celebration.

Love and truth

Why would someone tell a lie to their close ones or to their beloved?
This is a question most often asked by lovers. Since love cannot stand untruth, this causes relationships to break up. The solution lies in understanding the paradox of love and truth.
People tell lies just to save and maintain their love. The fear that the truth might damage their love causes lies to be told between husband and wife, boyfriend and girlfriend, parents and children and in family situations.
In love you feel weak and truth brings strength. Yet why do people prefer love over truth, i.e. weakness over strength?! (laughter)
No one wants to sacrifice love. Thus people are ready to give up the truth for their love. Love takes the luster out of truth. Sometimes truth can make love bitter while in love even lies can appear sweet, like Krishna's lies to his mother Yashoda!
The truth that does not nourish love has no sense and the love that cannot withstand the truth is not true love. When one is assured that the love is so strong that the truth can neither break it nor cause bitterness, then the truth prevails and love shines.
Truth has judgments, but true love is beyond judgments. Thus true love makes you weak and yet it is the greatest strength. .

Love and faith

God does not wish you to have more faith because the more faith you have, the more work for God. God will have to run behind you; then you start controlling Him. He is the servant of faithful servants and He does not want too many servants telling Him what He should be doing.
Love is the highest strength, yet it makes you absolutely weak. So God/Enlightened One/Nature does not want you to have more faith or love. With too much faith and love, you make God weak.
So, it is better for God that you have less faith. Things go on as they are. Why transform? Be happy.

Meditation is seeing God in oneself.
Love is seeing God in the person next to you.
Knowledge is seeing God everywhere.
Expression of love is service.
Expression of joy is smile.
Expression of peace is meditation.
Expressing God is conscious action.

Love and change

There are some who are longing for change. Feeling that everything is stagnant in their lives, they want to change partners, careers, dwellings. And there are some who are scared of change. They feel secure the way they are.
There are some who see the change, but don't acknowledge it, out of fear. There are some who do not notice the change at all. There are some who do not think there is anything to change.
And there are some who realize that everything is changing, yet see there is something that is non-changing. Those who recognize the non-changing amidst the change are the wisest of all.

Question : Must love as well always change?
Sri Sri : Love is your nature. What is your nature cannot change. But the expression of love changes. Because love is your nature, you cannot but love.

The mother has total love for the child, but sometimes she feeds the child, sometimes she is strict with the child. "Come on, sit and write!" Sometimes she slaps the child. She does this out of love, and these are all different modes of love. So the expression of love changes. But love itself does not change, because love is your nature.


You don't need to worry to maintain knowledge. When knowledge is lodged in you as wisdom, it will never leave you. Wisdom lodges itself in your heart. Make the Divine your Valentine (your sweet Beloved). This is the last thing to do and the first thing to do. Keep your heart in a safe place; it is too delicate. Events, small things make strong impressions on it. And you cannot find a better place than the Divine to keep your heart safe and your mind sane. When you keep your heart in the Divine, the moving time, the passing events, will not be able to touch it, will not create a scar. A precious stone needs a setting around it, gold or silver, to hold it and to wear it; so wisdom and knowledge are that setting around the heart which will hold it in the Divine.

See the Divine in your Valentine and make the Divinity your Valentine (your sweet beloved).
Just BE. . .and know that you are LOVED...
That is BELOVED.

With whom are you at ease?

With whom do you feel really comfortable and at ease?
You feel comfortable with someone who does not question your love, someone who takes for granted that you love them. Isn't it?
If someone doubts your love and you constantly have to prove it, this becomes a heavy load on your head.
When someone doubts your love, they start questioning you and demanding explanations for all your actions.
To explain everything you do is a burden. Your nature is to shed the burden, and so you don't feel comfortable.
When you question the reason behind an action, you are asking for justice for yourself. You are creating a distance when you ask for justice. Your whole intention is to come close, but you are creating a distance.

You are a witness to all your actions. You are as much a stranger to your own actions as you are to someone else's. You are the Eternal Witness.
When someone asks for an explanation, they are speaking from doership and imposing that doership on you. This brings discomfort.
If somebody is just there with you, like a part of you, they don't question you. They are like your arm. There is thorough understanding and questions don't arise.
Neither demand an explanation nor give an explanation. .

Love's wisdom

I chant the name of my beloved in every breath. The beloved is faultless - perfect. But being in love I have lost my reputation. When there is so much love, you take total responsibility for any misunderstanding. You may express dismay for a moment on the surface. But when you do not feel that in your heart, you arrive at a perfect understanding. You are in a state where all problems and differences slide away and only love shines through.
Usually we get stuck in our differences, because we have lost sight of ourselves. In the name of love we try to manipulate and control the other person. This is natural that when we love somebody, we want them to be perfect.
You can never see the pits in the ground from the top of a hill. From a plane the earth looks so smooth. So also from a state of elevated consciousness, you do not see the pitfalls in others. But if you come to the ground you always see the holes. And when you want to fill the holes, you have to see them. You cannot build a home being airborne. You cannot till the land without looking at the pits, filling them, removing the pebbles....
That is why when you love somebody you find all the faults in them. But finding faults destroys love. Instead of filling the pits we run away from them. When you love somebody and see their faults, stay with them and help them fill the pits. This is wisdom.


Many people think tolerance is a virtue.
Tolerance is a negative term. If you like something you don't have to tolerate. Tolerance indicates a deep sense of dislike, which can at any time turn into hatred. It indicates a sense of separateness . . small mindedness . . limitation of consciousness.
When you are tolerating, it is a temporary state. Tolerance is a potential volcano. If you are tolerating it means you are holding on.
Acceptance is also negative. You accept that which is not lovable.

Question: Don't you need a sense of self-assurance to then go and love people?
Sri Sri: This is our company. The Self-Assurance Company. It is only the Self that is always assuring. Nothing else.
Tolerance and acceptance come with judgment and separation. These words which are used, tolerance and acceptance are thought to be positive. I say they are not.
Question: But aren't we supposed to accept people as they are?
Sri Sri: If you don't love them, then you have to accept them.

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